Arrival Procedures:
*Student entrance doors open at 7:45AM.*
The following procedures are in place for student ARRIVALS:
~Pre-K, Kindergarten & Grade 1 Students will enter the building through EXIT 2 (the127th Street Entrance.)
~Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4 & Grade 5 Students will enter the building through EXIT 6 (the 126th Street Entrance.)
~Entry Doors will close at 8:05AM.
~Students arriving after 8:05AM will enter through the Main Entrance (109th Ave).
Dismissal Procedures:
The following procedures are in place for student DISMISSALS:
~Pre-K students will dismiss at 1:50PM from EXIT 2 (the 127th Street Entrance.)
~Kindergarten students will dismiss at 2:00PM from EXIT 2 (the 127th Street Entrance.)
~Grade 1 students will dismiss at 2:10PM from EXIT 6 (the 126th Street Entrance.)
~Grade 2 students will dismiss at 2:10PM from EXIT 3 (School Yard) and line up along the perimeter of the school building.
~Grade 3 students will dismiss at 2:05PM from EXIT 5 (Back of Auditorium) and line up along the black fence at the playground.
~Grade 4 students will dismiss at 2:10PM from EXIT 4 (School Yard) and line up on the bricks along the perimeter of the school building (Auditorium).
~Grade 5 students will dismiss at 2:10PM from EXIT 5 (Back of Auditorium) and line up along the fence line along the perimeter of the school building.
Keep in Mind...
~Arrival/Dismissal is a very busy time for school staff. Please avoid having in depth conversations with teachers/staff at that time.
~Please make sure that your child's teacher sees you when picking your child up. We do not dismiss any child without making eye contact with the adult.
~Please try to be on time to pick up your child.
~Please do not crowd dismissal doors. All children will be dismissed in a timely manner.
~We only dismiss to adults listed on the Blue Emergency Card. It is important to keep any/all information on the card updated.
~Late students are brought to the Cafeteria. Please report to the Main Entrance to retrieve your child after dismissal doors close.
~Only students in Grade 4 & Grade 5 are permitted to walk home. A written, signed note MUST be on file before any child is permitted to walk home from school.
Please watch our tutorial on how to use the Safer Access Door Lock system that has been installed at PS 121Q!
Helping Your Child With Digital Learning
Find out more information about the online platforms your child will be using and how to help them at home.

Some answers to popular questions can be found here.

Did you know there's a SchoolFood Mobile app to get the menus for both breakfast and lunch? Download the app for iOS or Android!
Learning Resources

Access over 5,000 books online with P.S.121Q's Digital Library called Myon!
MyON is an award-winning personalized literacy environment that incorporates a state-of-the art learning platform, enhanced digital reading content, daily news articles written for students, The Lexile® Framework for Reading, cutting-edge literacy tools and embedded metrics to monitor activity and growth. Together, these components power a Literacy Ecosystem that is built upon five pillars: Personalization, Unparalleled Content, Unlimited Access, Collaboration and Success.

Maintain Contact with Your Child's Teacher
Using Class Dojo, you can be in constant touch with your child's teacher to ask questions, gain information and manage behavior. Â Be sure to ask your child's teacher how to sign in to her classroom.
Be sure to keep up with all that’s happening at PS121. Check our website and Facebook page frequently for upcoming events and special activities.  Also check out the NYC Department of Education Website for important information.
Committed to Excellence
We are working to make this website easier to access for people with disabilities, and will follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. If you need assistance with a particular page or document on our current site, please call 718-558-1560 to request assistance.
To translate this site, please open it in Google Chrome, right click the page and choose Translate.
* Photo credits for some pictures on this site go to Pexels, Pics4Learnings, Pixabay and Wix.