Curriculum Night 2024
Click below to view our Curriculum Night 2024 Presentations!
Reading and Writing
We use the HMH Into Reading Program for grades K-5. Into Reading is a program that supports all learners in the classroom. Through an integrated approach, this program strives to build strong readers and writers. Into Reading aims to establish a strong reading foundation and provide students with access to varied complex texts that they are able to connect with and respond to. Lessons are designed to introduce students to many reading skills and strategies. In using the skills and strategies learned, they are able to closely read texts and find and use text evidence to answer higher-level text-based questions. The texts students are introduced to lend themselves to effective group discussions and project-based learning opportunities. The writing workshop component promotes mastery of the writing standards. Students are required to engage in meaningful writing activities that help them grow and develop as writers. Students are introduced to many genres of writing and are required to produce writing pieces that reflect the styles of each genre. Student choice is often given in writing to engage students and develop a love of writing in all learners. Throughout this program, teachers are given many opportunities to assess students both formally and informally to determine their level of understanding and mastery. In doing so, they are able to design their instruction to meet the needs of the students within their individual classrooms. Opportunities to differentiate instruction are present in daily lessons to target individual learning needs and styles to make reading and writing successful for all learners.
For math instruction, we utilize the EnVision Math Program. EnVision Math is a rigorous program designed to meet the expectations of grade level standards. The program provides exceptional support for teachers and students as they work together to meet the objectives of the standards. Lessons begin with concrete, context-based situations. Through the use of models, math talk, sample questions and manipulatives, the lessons progress toward more abstract problems. Students are required to use problem-solving strategies to answer high-level, multi-step word problems on a daily basis.
At P.S. 121Q, we believe that everyone is a scientist. The Amplify Science Program seeks to promote knowledge and love of science by emphasizing a hands-on, inquiry-based approach to learning. In the lab, students are instructed on the units of study that correspond to the New York State Scope and Sequence for their grade level. Lab investigations are scheduled regularly throughout each unit of study, increasing in complexity with each grade. Literacy is integrated within each lesson and students are exposed to a variety of non-fiction sources including media.
The scientific method is the foundation for every investigation as students work towards mastery of this tool in organizing their scientific thinking and observations. The annual Science Fair gives students in grades K-5 the opportunity to display their use of the scientific method in organizing an independent experiment.
Social Studies
Social Studies? Project-based learning! Using the NYC Passport to Social Studies program, we focus on learning through doing, with student choice driving projects. Students explore unit content through scavenger hunts, webquests, music and role-play. Once students have acquired the unit of study, corresponding to the New York State Scope and Sequence for their grade level, each student chooses his/her own way to show what they've learned. Whether it's a play, presentation, poster or debate, our students can creatively show what they know!
CEP GOALS 2024-25
Priority I – All Students Learn to Read Well
By June, 2025, literacy for All Students will improve, as measured by a 6% increase, from 55% to 61%, on or above grade level on the Acadience BOY & EOY Screener (K-2); iReady BOY & EOY Diagnostic Assessments (Gr. 3-5).
By June 2025, literacy for All Students will improve, as measured by a 5% increase, from 53% to 58%, of percentage on or above grade level in the Vocabulary Proficiency Domain in the iReady Diagnostic Assessment (Gr. 3-5).
Priority II – All Students are Physically and Emotionally Safe
By June, 2025, physical and mental wellness for English Language Learners (ELL) will improve, as measured by a 10% increase, an increase in the self-management competency from 80% to 90%, per the Adapted DESSA Screener.
By June, 2025, physical and mental wellness for English Language Learners (ELL) will improve, as measured by a 10% increase, an increase in the optimistic thinking competency from 85% to 95%, per the Adapted Children’s Hope Scale.
Priority III – All Students Have a High-Quality Academic Experience
By June 2025, the percentage of students on or above grade level in Mathematics will increase by 6%, from 53.33% to 59.33%, for All Students, as measured by Acadience BOY & EOY (Grades K-2); iReady BOY & EOY Diagnostic Assessment (Gr. 3-5).
By June 2025, the percentage of students on or above grade level will increase by 5% from 53% to 58%, for All Students, as measured by iReady Diagnostic Assessment – Vocabulary Domain.
Priority IV – All Students Graduate College & Career Ready & Have a Strong Plan and Pathway to Economic Security
By June,2025, the favorable responses in pathways to success for English Language Learners (ELL) will increase by 5%, from 88% to 93%, as measured by the NYC School Survey on the question: This school provides resources to me and my child to help prepare my child for college, career and success in life after High School.
Priority V – All Districts & Schools are More Inclusive & Responsive for Parents & Families, Including Having More Families Choose NYC Public Schools
By June, 2025, the increase in positive responses will increase 2%, from 98% to 100%, as measured by the NYC School Survey on the question: I have attended a general school meeting or school event.
Chronic Absenteeism
By June, 2025, Chronic Absenteeism for All Students will decrease 10%, from 34% to 24%, as measured by Insight Beta Portal.
Quality Individualized Education Program (IEP)
By June 2025, to strengthen the quality and implementation of IEPs for Students with IEPs, we will engage parents/families in meaningful conversations as it relates to students’ present levels of performance and future goals by a 10% increase, from 43.75% to 53.75%, as measured by IEP Review.