Fourth Grade
Welcome to Fabulous Fourth Grade! Students in Grade 4 will be embarking on a reading journey through various genres of literature. Units of study teach students about teamwork, patterns in nature, puzzles and mysteries, adventures and goal setting. As they closely read through texts on these topics, students learn reading skills such as main idea, theme, point of view, comparing and contrasting, and inferring. They continue to use R.A.C.E. to answer text-based questions to ensure that they reach the "finish line." As writers, they work through the writing process to compose narrative, fiction, expository and persuasive pieces that include a variety of writer's craft. Fourth grade mathematicians learn a great deal about higher-level multiplication and division, fractions, geometry, perimeter and area. They use these skills to solve multi-step higher order thinking problems. As scientists, they explore ecosystems, electricity and the water system as well as work hands-on with many science experiments. The social studies curriculum allows them to learn more about the history of the state in which they live, New York! Fourth grade is a very pivotal year for students. The successes they have this year will greatly prepare them for their journey into middle school. We look forward to a fun and successful year with all our students!
Having Fun in Fourth Grade
Special Activities
· Assemblies: Every class takes turns putting on a performance at our grade assemblies. Teachers award students with a student of the month, reading, writing, math, and a character award.
· Math Jeopardy: In grades 4 and 5, students are given a timed ten question math worksheet. The students who complete the worksheet with accuracy and speed represent the class at the Math Jeopardy. Fourth and fifth graders work in teams and then go head to head. Students are awarded medals for first, second, and third place.
· Career Day: People from various careers come in to share their expertise with the children. Students are encouraged to formulate questions and engage in meaningful discussions with the guests.
· Spirit Days: Character education is the teaching of core values. Character education is most effective when it is spread throughout the school. About once a month students can participate in dressing up like a character, sports attire, school shirt, crazy hair/hat day, etc.
· Pep Rallies: P.S. 121Q has a basketball team, so before a big game grade 4 and 5 get together in the auditorium to cheer on our team. The cheerleaders (4th and 5th graders) perform a couple of routines. Go Eagles!
· GoNoodle: Every now and then students need a brain break. This website is used in the classrooms to get the students up and moving. Teachers use it to rejuvenate their students. Just ask the students - it’s a big hit!
· Fun and Fitness: Towards the end of the year, we take our classes outside for an extra period of structured physical activity.
· Box Top awards: Each class collects box tops. Every other month they are collected and counted. One class on each grade who has the most box tops gets invited to a movie in the school auditorium. At the beginning and end of the year, the class who has collected the most is awarded their choice of a pizza or ice cream party.
· Winter and Spring Shows: Our dance teacher puts on a fabulous show. In our brand new dance studio, Mrs. G. teaches the students dance routines. Stay tuned for our next concert!